Our Story
Tropical Water Bores is a locally owned and operated drilling business who has over 35 years of drilling experience, specialising in water bores for stock & domestic use.
If you are searching for reliable water bore drilling and exploration services in Central Queensland, Tropical Water Bores in Bondoola is the smart choice.
With more than 35 years of drilling experience, we specialise in water bores for stock & domestic purposes, using both air and mud drilling methods, our team can can drill sand, gravel and air holes effortlessly, using either PVC or steel casing.
At Tropical Water Bores, we combine our expertise and experience with reliable equipment to provide the best possible service to our clients. Utilising our rig, compressor and grouting unit, we perform top-quality drilling and exploration services throughout Central Queensland.
As well as our reliable equipment, our operations are conducted with complete safety and environmental protection in mind, adhering to the best practices in the industry. Tropical Water Bores guarantees to get the job done safely, on time and according to the highest standards.
Our Services:
- WATER BORES - stock & domestic bore drilling in all formations
- Bore clean-outs (air & poly or drilling rods)
- Gravel & air holes (both air & mud drilling methods)
- Test hole drilling
- 500m Chip hole capacity
- 300–350m 4C Core capacity (minimum hole deviation)
- Extensive Grouting Services
- Servicing all Local & Central Qld Areas
- Professional Expertise
- Quality Workmanship
We are committed to completing each and every job to the total satisfaction of our clients, by operating in a safe and professional manner. As well as our reliable equipment, our operations are conducted with utmost safety and environmental protection in mind, and we adhere to the best practices in the industry.
At Tropical Water Bores, we combine our expertise and experience with reliable equipment to provide the best possible service to our clients. Tropical Water Bores guarantees to get the job done safely, on time and according to the highest standards.
Our Service Areas
Yeppoon, EmuPark, Rockhampton, Gracemere, Biloela, Calliope, Gladstone , Bondoola, Banana, Bouldercombe, Cawarral, Duaringa, Dululu, Farnborough, KeppelSands, Marlborough, Moura, Milman, Nankin, Mount Chalmers, Mount Morgan, Nerimbera, Glenlee, TheCaves, Wowan, Barmaryee, Zilzie, Benaraby, Byfield, Kabra, Capricorn Coast, Alton Downs, MtLarcom, Gogango, Stanwell, Bororen, Inverness, Theodore, Bungundarra, Yarwun, Rockhampton Region
Our Licences
Licensed Water Driller
Fully mine compliant equipment
Mine site trained & qualified
Registered Company Details: TWB (Qld) Pty Ltd t/a Tropical Water Bores
ACN: 121 247 005
Qld Licensed Water Driller
Drilling Certs
Our Members
Dixere certis. Uno praebebat. Fulminibus subsidere pulsant librata fuerant terrenae undas librata.
Homini locavit fluminaque calidis metusque. Fuit haec madescit

Kimberly Foster
Vice President
Caligine carentem iuga pluvialibus distinxit inminet. Usu obstabatque magni quod campos lege margine coegit campoque. Dominari nam orbe ab parte.

Regan McCook
Founder & CEO
Unus sibi caelum. Ventos silvas crescendo recens inclusum quem colebat nisi. Quam caeleste cepit vindice moles passim. Homini terrenae freta sole.

Jennifer Barrett
Cool Title

Joseph Perry
Cool Title

Janice Ross
Cool Title

Amy Hudson
Cool Title
Our Drilling Rig
IRTH60 rig mounted on 113m Scania truck Support unit of 1000cfm/350psi Sullair compressor & 6 x 5.5 on-board mud pump